Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Gtr. 1
Overdriven Guitar

Gtr. 2
Overdriven Guitar

Gtr. 3
Overdriven Guitar

Gtr. 4 (Lead)
Electric Guitar (muted]

Acoustic Bass


Synth Brass 2
Fa ther of mine, tell me where have you been? You know I just closed my ey es my whole world dis a ppeared, Fa ther of mine take me bact to the day, yeah when I was still your gold en boy, back be for you went a way, I re mem ber blue skies walk in\' the block, I loved it when you held me high, I loved to hear you talk, You would take me to the mov ie, you would take me to the beach, take me to a place in side that is so hard to reach... Fath er of mine, tell me where did you go? Yeah you had the world in side your hand but you did not seem to know, fath er of mine, tell me what do you see, when you look back at your wast ed life and you don\'t see me? I was ten years old do in\' all that I could, was n\'t ea sy for me to be a scared white boy in a black neigh bor hood, some times you would send me a birth day card with a five dol lar bill, yeah I nev er un der stood you then, adn I guess I nev er will, Dad dy gave me a na ame, my dad he gave me a name, then he walked a way, dad dy gave me a name, then he walked a way, my dad he gave me a name, yeah... oh yeah... oh, Dad dy gave me a name, dad dy gave me a name, then he walked a way, dad dy gave me a name, then he walked a way, my dad he gave me a name, yeah, yeah, oh yeah, Fath er of mine, tell me where have you been? Yeah I just closed my eyes, and the world dis a ppeared, fath er of mine, tell me how do you sleep? With the chil dren you a ban doned, and the wife I saw you beat, I will nev er be safe, I will nev er be sane, I will al ways be weird in side, I will al ways be la ame, now that I\'m a grown man, with a child of my own, and I swear that I\'m not gonna let her know all the pain I have known, then he walked a way, Dad dy gave me a name, and then he walked a way, my dad he gave me a name, then he walked a way, my dad he gave me a name, then he walked a way, my dad he gave me a name, then he walked a way yeah, then he walked a way/yeah, and he walked a way.